A newly-arrived CP Rail Angus Van.
When Jason Shron started Rapido Trains, I told him I was sorry—sorry I couldn't support him.
Of course, I supported his desire to build one of Canada’s finest model railroad companies, and to bring out the most prototypical rolling stock and locomotives. I just couldn’t support him financially.
Since my layout is set in the mid-1990s in the Canadian prairies, I don’t need the kinds of things that Rapido is best known for—VIA and CN smooth side passenger cars, LRCs, steam gennies or F units.
But, I told him, if you ever bring out a prototypical CP Rail Angus caboose (or van, as they are called in Canada), I’m in.
Well, as most people know, Jason did just that, and today I am the proud owner of two of these fine vans. They arrived just in time for the May 28-30 NMRA Thousand Lakes Region convention; they will have pride of place in the engine yard on the CP Rail Manitoba & Minnesota Subdivision when visitors come to see the layout—and maybe also get out on the road for a few mainline runs, too!
Glad your vans are in, John, and they look great on your layout. Expecting mine soon, plus I'll be doing a blog post on Trackside Treasure about the actual Angus Shops vans.