been a long time since I did any scenery on the M & M Sub. Mostly, all I’ve
been doing is operate trains, and a bit of weathering here and there.
I’ve been impressed by photos from other modellers that include static grass.
It looks very realistic!
So I
bought a couple packages of static grass (Noch and Woodland Scenics) to give it
a try.
also borrowed a handmade applicator from my friend, Larry Leavens.
a bit of experimentation, I like the effect. But I think I need to vary the
height a bit—get some longer fibres to make it stand out more.
also need to vary the colour—add some darker green.
don’t think I need to apply it everywhere, just the places I think I’ll do most
of my layout photography.
do you think? Are you using static grass?
I haven't but I'd like to. I've been intimidated by the price of the applicators. The commercial ones are expensive!