Tuesday, January 18, 2011

200,000 Views (on YouTube)

Just over two years ago, when I posted my first fledgling YouTube video of the CP Rail Manitoba & Minnesota Sub., I never could have imagined reaching over 200,000 views. But that's what has happened: Yesterday, sometime, the CP Rail M & M Sub. video channel crossed that threshold.

I still recall how amazed I was when I reached 10,000 views. 100,000 views was over the top. And now it's twice as many as that.

Who'd have thunk it?

As I have said before on this blog, making videos of the layout has become a bit of a hobby-in-a hobby for me (even if I haven't posted many recently). Setting up shots, telling a story and editing is an enjoyable experience. So, too, is sharing them with viewers.

Speaking of viewers, a look at YouTube Insight shows that 84% of those who watch the videos are men. Almost 67 percent live in the U.S., and most of the rest are in Canada.

The most popular video of the layout is Switching the Fort Frances Yard, followed by VIA Rail on the M & M Sub., Photo Montage, A Day on the M & M Sub., Double Stack on the M & M Sub., and Private Owner's Train.

If you would like to see a video of the layout, go to http://www.youtube.com/jdl562000

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